Tim Bergling's 32nd Birthday http://www.google.com ALLEGIANCE SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: Forthcoming Biological Devices

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Forthcoming Biological Devices

Scientists used biological methods to regenerate modern equipment inside the cell like researchers use Ecoli bacteria using genetic engineering by inserting a biological device. This is the example of generating biological equipment. Following are some examples of modern 3D biological devices: 

Camera Contact Lenses 

Contact lenses had come as a blessing to people with lessened vision and replacing fat spectacles. How about improving upon the same contact lens with superior camera like features. 

Camera Contact Lenses
Suppose... we had contact lens which would come with a tiny bug-like implant acting as a switch. You wear contacts in your eye and the implant would go onto your, say temple or behind your ear. Now your contact lens has features like zooming, clicking pictures, video recording and maybe everything that a camera can do. The implant could be used for maneuvering accordingly just like carrying a camera in your eye!


Living a day when artificial skin with our moniker "Skindage" would be available in every medical shop and be a blessing for those millions who succumb to burnt injuries. Skin grown with the stem cells could be made a reality if the stability and preservation of stem cells could be attained. 

Suppose... we design a bandage layered with cells with the potential to regenerate burnt cells, that wouldn't be less than a miracle. Just wind our Skindage and injuries would be easily dealt with. We are not in a hurry. The healing process maybe not be in a jiffy but may take a day or two!

Talking Brain 

Talking BrainCommunication technology has made our message reach as efficiently as possible. But there has to be a device in hand to convey messages across.

What if... we add on an extra element to our brain minimizing the need to carry an additional device. A little chip or an implant that would be resting near the brain and would aid in communicating with people, computers, electronic devices; convey messages and information accordingly. Signals would flow from chip to chip placed on different people or devices and get across messages in an instant. Isn’t that brainy!


Regeneron or maybe a Regenerex would be a regeneration machine to generate body parts down the future. 

Imagine by utilizing the properties of cancer cells sans its deleterious effect on the body and miraculously regenerating the amputated parts of the body. Just put your cut finger into the machine and behold! You have a new good working finger. Sufferings of the differently-abled persons would be down the drain. Hold your seats back to travel into a world of regeneration and wonder how things would be then. 

Forever beauty

Forever beauty
To be young forever is one thought that nobody could resist. Then how about keeping it forever! Just like a probiotic drink for health. 

What if... we had a supplement that could curb the aging process by acting on the genes responsible for it and make you shine forever. A simple sip could rein in mustiness and add glow to your life! Dream away for the dream might come true one day!


Beginning from symptom surfacing traveling thorough diagnosis and ending in treatment options; it is an extremely exhausting and strenuous journey all the way through any illness.

What if... we had a one-time solution to any kind of sickness. Suppose we design a scanner machine where you sleep inside the box and at the end of a long nap all the diseases would be swept off just like the magic disease-free world would no more be a castle in the sky.

(All content and images are for educational purpose).


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